- wetland
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Pipeline dictionary. 2013.
Pipeline dictionary. 2013.
wetland — n. An area of land on the edge of a body of water, where aquatic and terrestrial life forms intersect. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
wetland — 1743, from WET (Cf. wet) (adj.) + LAND (Cf. land) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
wetland — ► NOUN (also wetlands) ▪ swampy or marshy land … English terms dictionary
wetland — [wet′land΄] n. [usually pl.] 1. swamps or marshes ☆ 2. an area of land characterized by swamps, marshes, etc. that is preserved for wildlife … English World dictionary
Wetland — For other uses, see Wetland (disambiguation). The Florida Everglades massive wetland system in the United States saw 1.7 billion gallons of fresh water flushed from it daily and pumped into the ocean following one of the most successive water… … Wikipedia
wetland — [[t]we̱tlænd[/t]] wetlands N VAR: oft N n A wetland is an area of very wet, muddy land with wild plants growing in it. You can also refer to an area like this as wetlands. ...a scheme that aims to protect the wilderness of the wetlands... There… … English dictionary
wetland — adj. Wetland is used with these nouns: ↑habitat, ↑preservation, ↑restoration, ↑wildlife … Collocations dictionary
wetland — /ˈwɛtlænd/ (say wetland), /ˈwɛtlənd/ (say wetluhnd) noun 1. an area in which the soil is frequently or permanently saturated with or under water, as a swamp, marsh, etc. 2. (plural) an ecological system made up of such areas. {wet + land} …
wetland — šlapynė statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės tvarkymas ir žemės reforma apibrėžtis Šlapias žemės plotas, kuriam būdinga savita augalija, pelkėjimo reiškiniai ir kurio ribos nustatytos teisės aktuose. nuoroda http://www.zum.lt/min/index.cfm?fuseaction … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Wetland classification — Classification of wetlands has been a problematical task, with the commonly accepted definition of what constitutes a wetland being among the major difficulties. A number of national wetland classifications exit. In 1970s, the Ramsar Convention… … Wikipedia
wetland salinity — /wɛtlænd səˈlɪnəti/ (say wetland suh linuhtee) noun 1. the presence of high levels of salt in soil, especially in riverine plains, caused by irrigation raising the watertable; riverine salinity. 2. salinity in wetlands …