- spark test
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Pipeline dictionary. 2013.
Pipeline dictionary. 2013.
Spark testing metals — Spark testing of metals is done by noting the type of sparks that issue from a piece of steel that has been put to a grinding wheel, From this one can deduce with some accuracy the type of alloy present (for instance; percentage carbon, vanadium … Wikipedia
Chevrolet Spark — Constructeur … Wikipédia en Français
Nick T. Spark — is an American documentary filmmaker and writer. Films he has written, directed or produced include Regulus: The First Nuclear Missile Submarines (2001) and the Emmy award winning The Legend of Pancho Barnes and the Happy Bottom Riding Club… … Wikipedia
Marine Corps Test Unit — #1 Active 1 July 1954 19 June 1957 Country United States Allegiance Department of the Navy Branch United States Marine Corps The … Wikipedia
Engine test stand — An engine test stand is a facility used to develop, characterize and test engines. The facility, often offered as a product to automotive OEMs, allows engine operation in different operating regimes and offers measurement of several physical… … Wikipedia
искрообразующий механизм — (для искробезопасных цепей) spark test apparatus (for intrinsically safe circuits) Оборудование в виде контактного устройства, предназначенное для проведения испытаний на искробезопасность … Электротехнический словарь
искрообразующий механизм (для искробезопасных цепей) — Оборудование в виде контактного устройства, предназначенное для проведения испытаний на искробезопасность. [ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050 426 2006] Тематики взрывозащита EN spark test apparatus (for intrinsically safecircuits) … Справочник технического переводчика
Nuclear weapon design — The first nuclear weapons, though large, cumbersome and inefficient, provided the basic design building blocks of all future weapons. Here the Gadget device is prepared for the first nuclear test: Trinity. Nuclear weapon designs are physical,… … Wikipedia
Teller–Ulam design — The basics of the Teller–Ulam design. Radiation from a primary fission bomb compresses a secondary section containing both fission and fusion fuel. The compressed secondary is heated from within by a second fission explosion. The Teller–Ulam… … Wikipedia
Teller-Ulam design — The Teller–Ulam design is a nuclear weapon design which is used in megaton range thermonuclear weapons, and is more colloquially referred to as the secret of the hydrogen bomb . It is named after two of its chief contributors, Hungarian born… … Wikipedia
Daewoo Matiz — Class City car Manufacturer GM Korea … Wikipedia