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warning — [ warniŋ ] n. m. • v. 1980; angl. warning (light) « voyant (lumineux) », de to warn « avertir d un danger » ♦ Anglic. Feux de détresse (d une automobile). Mettre son warning, ses warnings. ● warning nom masculin (anglais warning, avertissement)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Warning: — Warning: Álbum de estudio de Green Day Publicación 3 de octubre de 2000 Grabación Marzo y Abril de 2000 Género(s) Rock Alternativo … Wikipedia Español
Warning — (engl. für Warnung) steht für: Warning (Elektropop Band), deutsche Elektronik Band Warning (Metal Band), englische Doom Metal Band Warning (Album), Album der amerikanischen Band Green Day Warning ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Wally… … Deutsch Wikipedia
warning — I noun admonitio, admonition, alarm, alert, augury, caution, caveat, commination, contraindication, foreboding, foreshadow, monition, monitus, notice of danger, omen, portent, presage, prognostic, symptom, threat, ultimatum associated concepts:… … Law dictionary
Warning — Warn ing, a. Giving previous notice; cautioning; admonishing; as, a warning voice. [1913 Webster] That warning timepiece never ceased. Longfellow. [1913 Webster] {Warning piece}, {Warning wheel} (Horol.), a piece or wheel which produces a sound… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Warning — Warn ing, n. 1. Previous notice. At a month s warning. Dryden. [1913 Webster] A great journey to take upon so short a warning. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] 2. Caution against danger, or against faults or evil practices which incur danger;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
warning — [adj] cautionary admonishing, admonitory, cautioning, exemplary, exhortatory, monitorial, monitory, ominous, premonitory, threatening; concept 267 warning [n] notice of possible occurrence admonition, advice, alarm, alert, augury, caution, caveat … New thesaurus
Warning — Warning, Gebirgszug an der nördlichen Ostküste von Neu Südwales (Australien), zwischen der Shoalbai u. Glasehausbai, mit Gipfeln bis zu 3300 Fuß (Dromedar 3000 Fuß) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
warning — ► NOUN 1) a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger or problem. 2) cautionary advice. 3) advance notice. DERIVATIVES warningly adverb … English terms dictionary
warning — [wôr′niŋ] n. 1. the act of one that warns, or the state of being warned 2. something that serves to warn adj. that warns; serving to warn warningly adv … English World dictionary
warning — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ dire, grim, ominous, stark (esp. BrE), stern, strong ▪ There were dire warnings about the dangers of watching too much TV. ▪ repeated … Collocations dictionary