- crude oil
- сырая нефть. A mixture of hydrocarbons that exists in the liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface-separating facilities.
Pipeline dictionary. 2013.
Pipeline dictionary. 2013.
Crude Oil — Oil produced from a reservoir after any associated gas has been removed. ► See also Brent, WTI. * * * crude oil UK US noun [U] (also crude) ► NATURAL RESOURCES oil in a natural state that has not yet been treated: »The plant processes… … Financial and business terms
crude oil — crude′ oil′ n. chem. petroleum as it comes from the ground, before refining … From formal English to slang
Crude oil — A mixture of hydrocarbons that exists in liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities. Depending upon the characteristics of the crude stream, it… … Energy terms
crude oil — petroleum as it comes from the ground, before refining. Also called crude, crude petroleum. [1860 65] * * * ▪ petroleum product mixture of comparatively volatile liquid hydrocarbons (compounds composed mainly of hydrogen and carbon with… … Universalium
crude oil — N UNCOUNT Crude oil is oil in its natural state before it has been processed or refined. A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker … English dictionary
Crude Oil — A naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum product composed of hydrocarbon deposits. Crude oil can be refined to produce usable products such as gasoline, diesel and various forms of petrochemicals. Although it is often called black gold, crude… … Investment dictionary
crude oil — nafta statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žemės plutoje susidaręs degus aliejaus konsistencijos (paprastai tamsios spalvos, savito kvapo) skystis. Sudarytas iš įvairių angliavandenilių, deguonies, sieros ir azoto junginių. Iš… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
crude oil — nafta statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gamtinis sočiųjų, nesočiųjų ir aromatinių (jų yra ir mažiau) angliavandenilių degusis mišinys su O, P, N junginių priemaišomis. atitikmenys: angl. crude oil; oil; petroleum rus. нефть … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Crude oil washing — (COW) is washing out the residue from the tanks of an oil tanker using the crude oil cargo itself, after the cargo tanks have been emptied. Crude Oil is pumped back and preheated in the slop tanks, then sprayed back via high pressure nozzles in… … Wikipedia
Crude Oil (film) — Crude Oil Directed by Wang Bing Editing by Guo Hengqi Distributed by Wil Productions Release date(s) … Wikipedia
Crude Oil Data Exchange — (CODE) is an electronic business standard sanctioned by the American Petroleum Institute[1]. CODE was initially implemented as the standard in 1978. It provides field formats and record layouts to facilitate the transmission of crude oil run… … Wikipedia